Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Wah! I'm so nervous and anxious about all of my school work, there's only a week left. Today, I'm talking about my artwork 3d fundamental - Juxtaposition . I'm confused about it and what the teacher means. Hope that's what I have done is catch the points. 

From my 3d artwork can you understand what I would like to express?

The cigarette bud is made of money, the theory has irony because smoking takes away your money, but instead smoking a money cigarette like the person is sucking in money.
There is contrast in belief.

The ash is made of money, because it feel like money is burning away, just like when ash burns and never come back anymore. 

I use withered flower to represents the smoker's death, flower has a very short lifespan it mean that the smoker lifespan is being shorten as he continue smoking. 

The reason why i choose flower is because flower is a very beautiful thing, just like life is very beautiful also. The smoker is ruining his own life by smoking.

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