Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Farewell Party for My Dear Friend

Lots of rich food, right? But I'm not talking about food or restaurant today O(∩_∩)O. It was a farewell party for the girl who was sitting in the front row right side in the picture. She was going to United Kingdom for further study few days later. 
We have known each other for three years and it doesn't seems very long or short. Even though our age are almost the same, but she is a girl with critical ability, independent and dare to love and hate. Whenever I encounter difficulties, she has her own way to explain to me and get to the root of the problem. 
Regardless of our distance apart, we can always contact each other via the Internet so that I can't bear to see her leave so much. So..Shirlee, we have agreed that learning is a good thing. All the best!

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