Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Each era has its own language, 
although it is not clear what the words of the era is, 
but it's as if a time can't afford to tell the truth.

One who laughed in front of people, 
and cried in their own room,
has more than one reason to cry, 
Maybe it is a collapse.
What social and life teaches us are both different things,
we can only learn through experiences.

Under the tired
Take down the shield that hide your true feelings,
go back to being yourself.

We stumble on the way 
when you can overcome your own scars.
This is a better proof towards it.

Everyone have their own story,
no longer like a blank sheet of paper.
Compare with a white paper,
a old yellowish paper will be more attractive.

Have read a book named ‘Life just like a hard-boiled egg, a crack to tasty.'
Maybe it will be,
a life not wasted.

Image taken from

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