Sunday, September 29, 2013

Starry starry night

I feel that the singer is trying to compose a melody to describe Vincent's feeling of solitude on his journey to many places under the lonely starry night sky. As he walks, he recalled his past and started regretting for not listening to her, which I think it to be his previous lover. He tried to set free from his sufferings to see a beautiful world. Through his eyes he sees colourful flowers, flourishing fields and the gentleness of the beautiful world and continue to treasure life better.The singer tries to tell us that he has she has finally came to realize the sufferings Vincent has endured, his painting has reached out to the world, where he hope everyone can feel his pain and agony.


This is the first project of 3D fundamentals - dots and lines. One of my wire artworks named 'Tree'. Due to Earth's global warming I chose plant for this project. The tree symbolizes a major element of nature. In theory, I used slow, fast and directional curves to create it which contain supporting curves parts at the bottom and double layer of wires to make it stronger and stable, it extends from bottom to the trunk. Parts of trunks I used trajectory curves to connect between the Bolton and top(leaves). However, the parts of leaves are representing more of slow and fast curves, and lesser in directional curves.

Philippe Starck

Alessi citrus-squeezer, Juicy Salif

Philippe Starck is a French product designer and also an interior designer who is born in 18 January 1949 in Paris. He is equally well known as an interior designer, a designer of consumer goods, and for his industrial design and his architectural creations.

Through his artwork, i feel that he was a person full of creativity because all of his art work were full of futuristic concepts. From some of his artwork I can't help to wonder if they are just for decoration purposes or designed more for function. I have show some of his artworks here, at last I choose Alessi citrus-squeezer, Juicy Salif as my scrapbook decision because it looks interestingly futuristic, modern and aesthetic. From the picture shown, at first I thought it was just a few bullets preparing for a battle as they look very mechanical but in actuality, it is a citrus-squeezer. I was totally surprised at how a simple thing like this can do amazing things like squeezing a citrus, it really teaches me that you shouldn't judge something by first look.

The three legs below are designed in such a way that it can act as a supporter to support the squeezer higher and also a hand holder when we are squeezing. The cup is to be put underneath in between the tripod and the juice will flow down from the opening.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Music a form of art
Music is direct language for communicating with our souls
Music can affect our mood

On many occasions
We can find comfort and companion in music

Music has a great influence
It can lift the burden in our hearts and let us find our true selves back
It also help pull distances together among people
Let’s say in a concert , it can let people  from different walks of life come together
Because of resonance to gather togather

Melody enhance the soul to dance to thr music
Lyrics can relate to people's feeling with their meaning
There's a communication between music and people through lyrics
This is the reason why music has always been something which lasts forever.

Image taken from:


Year after year, what have we learned so far? 
Many? To a point that it is too hard to express it out
To some people, the only thing we can be very sure of is during the moment when we came out from our mother’s stomach, we could feel the love

Love, can be in many different forms such as family love – relatives relations
The love for friends – friendship
The love of lovers – couple love
It also can be used on objects – the love for things

Allow me divert your attentiion to something else for a moment
This reminds me of a book called ‘Secret’ which I have introduced it on my blog before
The author released another book called ‘ The Power’ and that book talks the force of love. 

Coming back to the topic
Love makes you want to understand someone unknowingly or to complete a certain task perfectly
Use the power of love to give you the strength to complete what you truly love!

Image taken from:


Life is like a book, everybody is an 'author'
The stories may be different and it depends on how the author to compile it
The distinguish  features between author and 'author' are
The  ‘authors' don’t have the rights to change the the story, they only have the rights to choose
The 'author's' decisions will become the content of the book

That is why we must always accept the decision we make in life
Humans are not god and there are times when even god will make mistakes
Nothing is better than knowing your own mistakes and have the heart and willingness to change,  it is never too late.. 

So, remember to make decisions carefully in life and keep looking forward!

Image taken from:

Friday, September 27, 2013

I miss you

Time passes so fast
it's been two years already
when you left me
it was on my birthday

The night before
i rushed to the hospital
I look at you
i have never seen you in this state before
the very last night you will be on this world...

That night
I held on to your hands
gently whispered into your ears
My mind was blank
I wonder if you know I am here

On that birthday
you are freed from suffering
will you able to see grandpa who lives in a different world for so long?

The past memories
keep floating in my mind
how you loved your grandchildren so

From young to old
used to being with you
whenever i think of you
my heart will ache for no reason

Ending only means a new beginning..
i miss you......

This is the photo of her last birthday celebration with us

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Scream of Nature

“I was walking along the road with two friends.
The sun was setting.
I felt a breath of melancholy -
Suddenly the sky turned blood-red.
I stopped, and leaned against the railing, deathly tired -
looking out across the flaming clouds that hung like blood and a sword
over the blue-black fjord and town.
My friends walked on – I stood there, trembling with fear.
And I sensed a great, infinite scream pass through nature.”

This is one of several version of the painting “The Scream” (The Scream of Nature) painted by Edvard Munch in 1983.

I choose this painting above because it caught my attention and it show the reality about the darkness in our heart, shows the emotional pain he been through, and he could only express his feeling through painting. The artist talks about the setting sun that turned ablaze, as though visions of hell opened up from within another dimension trying to engulf him. He was in a state of vulnerability and confusion as fear drowned him into abyss.
This painting portrays a feeling of surreal pain and hardship which not only the artist, but each one of us might have had suffered.


Each era has its own language, 
although it is not clear what the words of the era is, 
but it's as if a time can't afford to tell the truth.

One who laughed in front of people, 
and cried in their own room,
has more than one reason to cry, 
Maybe it is a collapse.
What social and life teaches us are both different things,
we can only learn through experiences.

Under the tired
Take down the shield that hide your true feelings,
go back to being yourself.

We stumble on the way 
when you can overcome your own scars.
This is a better proof towards it.

Everyone have their own story,
no longer like a blank sheet of paper.
Compare with a white paper,
a old yellowish paper will be more attractive.

Have read a book named ‘Life just like a hard-boiled egg, a crack to tasty.'
Maybe it will be,
a life not wasted.

Image taken from


Wah! I'm so nervous and anxious about all of my school work, there's only a week left. Today, I'm talking about my artwork 3d fundamental - Juxtaposition . I'm confused about it and what the teacher means. Hope that's what I have done is catch the points. 

From my 3d artwork can you understand what I would like to express?

The cigarette bud is made of money, the theory has irony because smoking takes away your money, but instead smoking a money cigarette like the person is sucking in money.
There is contrast in belief.

The ash is made of money, because it feel like money is burning away, just like when ash burns and never come back anymore. 

I use withered flower to represents the smoker's death, flower has a very short lifespan it mean that the smoker lifespan is being shorten as he continue smoking. 

The reason why i choose flower is because flower is a very beautiful thing, just like life is very beautiful also. The smoker is ruining his own life by smoking.

Wedding of Steven and Natalie

I had an invitation wedding on June 2013, Malaysia. In Chinese culture the groom and bride should have their own group of brothers and sisters for some game in the morning ceremony. I accepted her invitation to be one of the sisters group member. Unfortunately, I had  broken my promise to her because the day before her wedding I received a bad news stating that my student pass application has been rejected by ICA. One of the staff from school had advised me to submit my appeal letter as soon as possible. It happened to be on the date of my friend's wedding. At last, I explained to her about my situation and she understood. I really felt apologetic for not being able to attend the morning ceremony for at least once but I attended the wedding dinner and tried my best to help them arrange seat for guests. The groom and bride are a cute and lovely couple, the wedding hall was decorated with balloons and had a theme of sweet colour that was light pink and blue. After the banquet, me and my other friends have second gathering. This is a great opportunity for us to meet up each other and it’s a pity that the bride can't join us for the gathering. Haha..

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Farewell Party for My Dear Friend

Lots of rich food, right? But I'm not talking about food or restaurant today O(∩_∩)O. It was a farewell party for the girl who was sitting in the front row right side in the picture. She was going to United Kingdom for further study few days later. 
We have known each other for three years and it doesn't seems very long or short. Even though our age are almost the same, but she is a girl with critical ability, independent and dare to love and hate. Whenever I encounter difficulties, she has her own way to explain to me and get to the root of the problem. 
Regardless of our distance apart, we can always contact each other via the Internet so that I can't bear to see her leave so much. So..Shirlee, we have agreed that learning is a good thing. All the best!

The Davinci Code

Recently i watch a movie 'Davinci Code' even though it is not the latest movie. It is a film with a religious theme and it focus on various important buildings and the art for the background of the film. The movie showed symbols, codes and several famous painting to solve its mystery. The story is talking about Christianity and it's son of God 'Jesus' whose descendants still exist in this world. I feel that the movie has express out a feeling of suspense and complexity, we will never know what will happen next in the movie. All in all, I conclude that this movie includes excitement that gives the audience a greater understanding of mystery.

Image taken from:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Secret

‘The Secret’ is a self-help spiritual minded book which is worthy to recommend to everyone.  This book is talking about the law of attraction that through meditation we can create the life we want such as wealth, health and happiness. 

The reason why the author wrote this book is because there was a time in her life when she almost broke down, she accidentally stumbled upon a centennial book and the people who knew about the content of the book were great figures in history such as Edison, Newton, Shakespeare and etc. 

Therefore, she began to organize a team to find people who knew about the ‘secret’ so that she could share the secrets to everyone. Thus, this book had given a lot of examples to teach you successful usage of secrets. For example, if a person who always think about negative things, this will enable you to attract more bad things and bad consequences. Conversely, if we look at the bright side of life, feel grateful for every little things and believe in yourself, then you will get the results you want.

At last, I hope that you can enjoy this book too!!!

Image taken from :

Saturday, September 7, 2013

S.E.A Aquarium

S.E.A.  Aquarium Singapore is the world's largest aquarium in Sentosa. It contains more than 800 species of marine animals which are suitable for people of any age and a good activity for families to explore underwater world. Inside aquarium, it has a ‘Discovery Pool’ that provides an interactive learning experience and share lessons about the knobbly sea star, pencil sea urchin, sea cucumber and more. 

In addition, I saw a kind of fish that will keep small fishes in its mouth temporarily in order to keep them away from danger. It their animal instinct to protect their children.

Throughout the trip, I was impressed by a fish called 'Wrasses' which is a transsexual fish. They are born as females and become males when a dominant die.One of the                                                                 females will become male                                                               in the timespan of only a                                                                 few days.

Malay New Year 2013

The picture above was the food I had been enjoying on the day of Malay New Year Celebration at my friend’s house. It was the second time I went to her open house for Malay New Year celebration. The traditional New Year celebration, women will cook personally to meet the visitors’s arrival. For costumes, men and women should wear traditional Malay clothes when visiting friends and relatives. Some of the families will custom-made their costumes with a family theme in colours and fabric designs. When families visit, they will exchange gifts such as New Year cookies, fruits and homemade cuisines. As for me and my friends, we brought a hamper. To me, New Year is the most solidarity Festival for families. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Original Münchner Lager
Schweinemedaillons / Pork Medallions

I wish to share with you one of the chain-outlets restaurants based in Singapore named 'Brotzeit' which is located at 313@ Somerset, Raffles City Shopping Centre, The Star Vista and Vivo City. Brotzeit International Pte Ltd was established in Singapore 2006.They specialize in world-famous German Beers accompanied by authentic Bavarian Cuisine. One of the cuisines I tried was 'Schweinemedailons / Pork Medallions'. It consisted of grilled pork fillet medallions wrapped in smoked bacon served with fried and sautéed mixed vegetables. The food portion of that cuisine is usually quite large for a girl and the meat is very chewy, fresh and juicy. The design of Brozeit is modern and contemporary which is a beautiful environment is suitable for people to enjoy and relax during the evening hours there. This is the reason for sharing with you.