Thursday, October 3, 2013

Psychological value

Recently I watched a show and in it, it posed a question.
'Psychological value' this captivated my attention.
how much is the value within you to everybody?

To be honest, there is no right or fixed answer
For this everyone, everyday at every second
will have a possibility to change his/her own thinking.
Naturally, the value itself will change as well
but physiological value remain as a strong existence.

Perhaps some people would use their life as an attempt to try or explore new things or different experiments.
This is when one's mind will assume "hey, this is worth trying"
and this result in 'when one is chasing one's target's value, already surpass one's life value.
This is the power of psychological value.

To put it in simple terms,
adventurers does not have to put their safety first and risk their life
this proves that their goal of exploring/adventuring is their priority - their psychological value,
almost surpassing their own life.
The things that they do, to them it is much more meaningful and valuable.
They feel that it is like everything to them and therefore felt touched.

Everybody's way of thinking are different
thus, the value will differs as well
every form, every object
every way of thinking, every types of matters perhaps even every little time or
others will have their own value.

If you were to ask me, in my heart
what will be the most valuable thing

Image taken from:

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