Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Growing Up

Never run away, be honest with yourself
When we are growing up, we can not avoid mistakes.
Admitting and apologizing isn't a fearful thing
what's fearful is the refusal to repent
Apologizing using the mouth but not from the heart
anyone can do that.
so is love...
Have you all realized yet?
How many of you will tell your parents 'I love you' from the bottom of your heart?
That simple 3 words seems to be a diffcult thing for people nowadays.
'FAMILY' Do you understand what does this means?
As long as everyone put in a little effort, this world will be filled with warmth.

Image taken from: http://img02.tooopen.com/Downs/images/2010/7/31/sy_20100731101417914082.jpg

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